Honored by the City and County of Los Angeles
Mark Anchor Albert, Esq. has been honored by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Los Angeles and by the entire Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles for his services to the greater Los Angeles region
In August 2016, the County of Los Angeles has issued a formal Certificate of Commendation honoring Mr. Albert:
“In recognition of service to the affairs of the community and for civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the citizens of Los Angeles County”
Hilda Solis, Chair of the Board, Supervisor, First District. Mark Ridley-Thomas, Supervisor, Second District. Don Knabe, Supervisor, Fourth District. Mike Antonovich, Supervisor, Fifth District.

In September 2011, the City of Los Angeles also has issued a formal Certificate of Commendation honoring Mr. Albert:
“Mr. Albert has honored the Southland’s rich history and heritage by celebrating the City’s accomplishments and diversity, and has united our multicultural community to face oru common challenges.”
Eric Garcetti, President, L.A. City Council. Tom Labonge, Councilmember 4th District. Jan Perry, President Pro Tempore. Jose Huizar, Councilmember 14th District.

In 2012, the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles and the entire City Council issued a formal Proclamation honoring Mr. Albert and the Queen of Angels Foundation:
“NOW, THEREFORE, on this day September 8th, 2012, the Los Angeles City Council along with the Mayor hereby commends and congratulates the QUEEN OF ANGELS FOUNDATION for their outstanding work and ongoing efforts to provide religious education about the glorious Catholic heritage of Los Angeles.”
Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor. Jose Huizar, Councilmember, 14th District. Ed P. Reyes, Councilmember, 1st District. Bernard Parks, Councilmember 8th District. Paul Krekorian, Councilmember 2nd District. Herb J. Wesson, Jr., President, L.A. City Council. Jan Perry, Councilwoman 9th District. Dennis P. Zine, Councilmember 4th District. Richard Alarcon, Councilmember 7th District. Bill Rosendahl, Councilmember 11th District. Tom LaBonge, Councilmember 4th District. Mitchel Englander, Councilmember 12th District. Paul Koretz, Councilmember 5th District. Eric Garcetti, Councilmember 13th District. Tony Cardenas, Councilmember 6th District. Joe Buscano, Councilmember 15th District.